
Props Values
annotationurl Annotation url.
annotationlist This has been moved to annotationurl. ListAnnotation or PageAnnotation. See “@type” or “type” in annotation. i.e.
manifesturl iiif manifest url, only required when annotation does not contain manifest
styling string structured styling. See settings table for more options

Getting started

In order to create any of the viewers listed on the website the following code needs to be added to an HTML file once.

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Note: the annona.js and annona.css need to be loaded only once, no matter how many image viewers are loaded. Multiple image viewers can be loaded on one page with the <iiif-storyboard> tag. An example of this can be seen here: annotations.

Building views

From there any of the tags built through the Tag Builder or manually can be entered into a webpage. The Tag Builder provides a user interface for creating much of the code documented below. It also has all settings built into the interface.

Single Annotation

<iiif-annotation annotationurl=""></iiif-annotation>

Annotation example

<iiif-annotation annotationurl=""></iiif-annotation>

Annotations without Manifests listed in annotation

The following example is a annotation list. The annotation list does not have a manifest in the annotation. The manifest is added manually into to the tag.

<iiif-annotation annotationurl="" manifesturl=""></iiif-annotation>

Annotations with Multiple languages

W3 standards allow for transitions between multiple bodies The assumption is only body is used at a time. This library supports this model. The assumption this library uses is that the changes are between different languages which are defined in ISO standard in the annotation. An example of this can be seen in the annotation below.


What areas are shown in the embedded image are customizable either through settings or through basic css. Below are the setting options and their values. An example with all settings enabled can be seen here: all settings. This can also be applied to a single annotation.

Global settings

Item here: all settings example

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script id="config" type="application/json">{
  "hide_tags": true,
  "height": "200"
<iiif-annotation annotationurl="" manifesturl=""></iiif-annotation>

Single annotation settings

Image Only

<iiif-annotation annotationurl='' manifesturl='' styling='image_only:true; width:200'></iiif-annotation>

Text only

<iiif-annotation annotationurl='' styling='text_only:true'></iiif-annotation>

Rendering multiple annotations

The example show on the multitext page can be done with any set of annotations and any set of settings. This is a simple JavaScript application. The reason we are showing an application with text only is it is a good example of one of the many ways this application can be used.

Other views

Table view

Allows you to view annotations in a table.

<iiif-annotation annotationurl='' styling='table_view:true'></iiif-annotation>