
The following is meant as a more complete set of documentation than the QuickStart guide. If you have not yet completed the QuickStart guide it is recommended that you begin there - as it will provide the necessary steps to setting up your GitHub repository and transferring the source files.

Software Requirements

In order to edit your Jekyll Academic website locally you will need the following pieces of software:


GitHub Setup

Connect your GitHub Repository to GitHub Desktop

Edit File, Sync Changes

Important Files and Folders

In order to better understand how everything in your site works, there are a few files and folders that you need to be aware of. These files control the main elements of your site, including your logo, bio photo and navigation. Full documentation of the directory structure can be found here.

Adding Blog posts

To add a new blog post to your site you simply create a new Markdown file by either copying another post file and editing the contents or starting with a blank markdown file. Keep in mind that Jekyll requires that all posts follow the yyyy-mm-dd-title.md naming convention.

If you wish to begin with a blank markdown file, you must paste the following YAML front matter at the very beginning of your file.

layout: post
title: Add Your Title Here
excerpt: "Add an excerpt here, the excerpt will appear underneath the blog title"
modified: 2016-01-13 20:41:38
tags: [intro, beginner, jekyll, tutorial]
comments: true
category: blog

The important thing to note is that you need to make sure that the category is set to 'blog'. This ensures that this post will appear on the blog page. You can then add your blog content using Markdown as your markup language for the rest of the file.

Adding Reveal.js Presentations

In Jekyll Academic presentations are actually set up as posts, and live in the same _posts folder as your blog posts. They also must use the same file naming convention as posts (yyyy-mm-dd-title.md). The main difference between a blog post and a Reveal.js presentation is the layout and category used in the YAML front matter.

If you wish to begin your Reveal.js presentation with a blank markdown file, you must paste the following YAML front matter at the very beginning of your file.

layout: slide
title: Add Your Title Here
excerpt: "Add an excerpt here, the excerpt will appear underneath the blog title"
modified: 2016-01-13 20:41:38
tags: [intro, beginner, jekyll, tutorial]
comments: true
category: presentation
<section data-markdown>
# Add Reveal.js slide content here, following the Reveal.js format

Note that Reveal.js presentations must use "slide" as the layout and "presentation" as the category.

If you would rather use another service, like Google Presentations for your presentations you can still link to them from your Jekyll Academic website. To do so start a new file in your _posts directory following the same yyyy-mm-dd-title.md file name convention and paste the following YAML front matter into that file.

  layout: post
  title: Add Your Title Here
  excerpt: "Add an excerpt here, the excerpt will appear underneath the blog title"
  modified: 2016-01-13 20:41:38
  tags: [intro, beginner, jekyll, tutorial]
  comments: true
  category: presentation
  # Title of Presentation
  ## SubTitle of Presentation
  [Text for Link](html link to presentation)

In the above example you are using the 'post' layout, but giving it a 'presentation' category. This means it will give you a blank post page, but will appear under your list of presentations. The content on this page can be anything, but you will need to at least add a link to wherever your presentation is located.

Adding or Removing Navigation Items

You may want to add additional navigation items that point to different types of content or individual pages. This can be accomplished by adding a new navigation item. In order to add a new navigation item you will:

1) Copy the folder of an existing navigation item (e.g resume) and paste it into the root directory of your project. Rename this folder with the name of the new navigation item.

2) Navigate to _data/navigation.yml and add a new navigation item by copying the layout of an existing navigation item.

3) Take a look at some of the existing index.md files for other navigation items. Take note of the 'layout' element declared in the frontmatter. This will help you determine which layout is appropriate for your newly created page (e.g. Page or Resume)

Understanding Layouts

One of the fundamental elements of Jekyll is the ability to utilize different layouts for different types of pages. The layouts are found in the _layouts folder. These are .html files that drive the layout of any particular page. For example the 'slide' layout contains all of the necessary includes to power Reveal.js slides. The current available layouts in Jekyll Academic are: