Kevin Beswick
Nushrat Khan
Bret Davidson
Lecture | 30 mins |
Technical Orientation | 10 mins |
Hands-on exercise part 1 | 45 mins |
Break | 10 mins |
Lecture | 15 mins |
Hands-on exercise part 2 | 60 mins |
Q/A | 10 mins |
There are 2 different ways of combining DataFrames in Pandas:
Join 2 tables by taking only rows where "foreign key" exists in both tables
Join 2 tables by taking all rows from left table, and leaving all row values in right table where "foreign key" doesn't exist as null
Data cleaning is an important step before we can manipulate our data. We will show some examples of how to get rid of duplicate values, remove null values, special characters etc.
Sorting makes it easier to read or locate any specific data. We can also group by particular variables to apply other functions to them.
Pandas has functions to transform data formats, such as changing date format, converting data to a different unit. We can also define functions to perform a specific transformations over a row or column.
After manipulating data, visualization is the final step that helps us communicate the meaning of the data with our audience. We will show examples of the following basic plot functions: