The Apprentice framework also allows you to create HTML slide presentations using the Reveal.js framework. NOTE: Because GitHub pages restricts what plug-ins can be used, some of the Reveal functions don’t work there, namely fragments and background transitions. Also, if you have used Reveal before, you must put each slide in a new file.

We won’t get into the pros and cons of HTML presentations over something like PowerPoint. They can both make great presentations and awful presentations. The main reason for HTML slides is that they are on the web, so they get indexed by search engines, don’t require proprietary software, and are often mobile friendly. HTML presentations do have a learning curve, but in Apprentice its no different than creating a unit.

Like units, slides live in the _slides directory, and each slide gets its own file structued like below.

    order: 2
    ## My Slide
    This is the content
    <h3><em>Some HTML</em></h3>

This should look familiar. The order defines the order of the slide in the slide deck and works the same as units. Likewise, the content can be Markdown, HTML or both.


Reveal JS comes with a number of themes. You can see which ones are available by looking reveal/css/theme directory or here. You can change the theme in _config.yml.

   reveal_theme: solarized.css  # Or say sky.css for instance

Slide Design

If you want to have more control of your slide layout, you may have to use a little HTML as the Reveal.js framework, Jekyll and Markdown don’t seem to always work as expected. There are some examples in the sample slide deck. Just copy and modify to your needs.

If the slide themes provided don’t really work for you, or you need to do some adjustments to your slide, you can edit the CSS in reveal/css/apprentice.css. Depending on where and how you are working on your slides, you may need to restart the Jekyll server to see the changes.

If you want to contribute your own designs, feel free to do so as well.