Review and Getting Help
To review, to create a workshop, just follow these steps. Assuming you are publishing to GitHub Pages, otherwise substitute your server for GitHub.
- Fork This Repository and either
- Edit files in GitHub
- Clone and edit files locally
- Edit the
file - Add prerequisites in
- Add objects in
- Create units in
- Remove unneeded examples
- Ensure your front matter is correct
- Create slides in
- *Optional * Edit or Create layouts
- *Optional: * Add styling to
- Publish to GitHub
Help With Apprentice
If you have a question or problem with Apprentice (or are unsure), just submit an Issue in the Apprentice Repository. If you would like to propose changes or additions, feel free to do the standard fork/pull request route. New layouts, themes are especially welcome, also adding support for other presentation engines.
Resource for Jekyll and Liquid
There are lots of resources for Jekyll and liquid. Usually a web search with your problem or question will yield an answer. You can also visit the Jeklyll website or the Liquid Documentation on Shopify.
GitHub Pages
If you are publishing to GitHub pages, a web search will still often find an answer for you. You can also visit their documenation.
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