This is some extra markdown. This is still the same line and paragraph.

The only way to make a new paragraph is to make two line returns.

This is Italics


Alternative bold


_bold and italic _

HTML code

 ThisObject.function param

Jekyll websites always use a _config.yml file to keep site wide settings such as title or description. The values set here are available from from within your markdown or html using ` `. You will see and use this often as you work. You can also add your own settings as needed.

The _config.yml is commented with more detailed instructions. To get started we’ll just change the most important ones. Make the changes below.

    title: <your workshop name>
    description: <describe your workshop>
    # Multiple authors go on the same line, just format how you like.
    # Same with companyies
      name: <your name(s)
      # url:
          name: < your orgnization(s)
          # url:
    # Any value is ok, Beginner|Intermediate|Advanced are recommended, required 
    level: Beginner
    # This needs to be set to your repository name, or it won't work on GitHub.
    # If you are deploying elsewhere it may not be necessary.
    # It is overridden if you are working locally when you start the server
    baseurl: "/repo_name"

If you are working locally restart your server to see the changes, which should be evident on your workshop homepage. If you are working directly on GitHub pages, there server restarts automatically and may take a few minutes.

Some of the other settings will be dealt with in future units.